Founder Konstantinos Alataris contracted us in 2007 to develop a brand for his medical device startup, Nevro, which was developing a novel therapy for the treatment of chronic pain and other neurological disorders. Nevro’s Senza® system delivers HF10™ therapy, an advanced spinal cord stimulation therapy which provides electrical pulses to the spinal cord at a rate up to 10,000 per second (10 kHz), as compared to traditional low-frequency SCS therapy, which usually deliver the electrical pulses at less than 100 pulses per second for chronic back- and leg-pain. Nevro completed an initial public offering in November 2014, and is traded under the symbol NVRO. Current market cap is 1.9B.
Conceptually, we blended two notions - a representation of the lessening of pain, tonally, through gradients, with an abstract design meant to evoke a spinal cord.